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Principal’s Welcome
Our dedicated teachers and support staff work hard to develop lifelong learners, tailoring programs designed to support students’ learning needs, interests and skills. Our students are challenged to develop individual learning goals to meet their academic, social and emotional needs. We value developing positive relationships with our students and their families; ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. Our staff operate as Professional Learning Communities, using data-informed practices, to ensure we are improving our teaching and learning priorities in English and Mathematics. Our wonderful Specialist Team provide curriculum programs in Health and Physical Education, STEM, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Chinese. These programs are offered to all year levels.
We pride ourselves on the care we have for our students. We have a strong Wellbeing Team and together with our staff we monitor the social and emotional wellbeing, health and welfare of our students. Darley offers many proactive programs to support these needs of our students. These programs commence from Foundation through to Year Six. Darley Primary also runs our highly successful Nurture Room program using evidence-based strategies and program planning based on the well-established organisation, Nurture UK.
Our school runs a ‘Breakfast Club’ each morning which is run by our Wellbeing Officer and supported by our staff. Our Out of Hours Care program, ‘TheirCare’ offers before and after school care as well as a school holiday program.
The staff and I look forward to sharing your child’s educational journey with you!
Fiona Kerton